Vinyles Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning
Vinyles Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning
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Vinyles Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning. Couleurs jaunes. 2xlp.
1. The Sevastopol (2:07)
2. The Phantom (3:05)
3. Collision Alarm (1:31)
4. A Ghost in the Machine (2:39)
5. The Sum of Our Choices (1:24)
6. Dead Reckoning Opening Titles (1:13)
7. The Entity (3:23)
8. Your Mission… (2:35)
9. This Is Not a Drill (2:13)
10. You Are Dunn (5:55)
11. Get Out Now (1:57)
12. A Colourful Past (3:11)
13. Roman Getaway (2:47)
14. Hit It (2:11)
15. He Calls Himself Gabriel (6:23)
16. You Are Done (3:28)
17. Chasing Grace (2:51)
18. I Was Hoping It’d Be You (1:42)
19. Ponte Dei Conzafelzi (2:19)
20. Murder and The Orient Express (3:34)
21. I Missed the Train (3:06)
22. The Moment of Truth (2:18)
23. Leap of Faith (1:37)
24. You Stop the Train (3:48)
25. Chaos on the Line (2:49)
26. Curtain Call(1:01)
Une question, une meilleure offre dénichée, le prix a changé ? N'hésitez pas à commenter ^^